Our movie Sunrise Supervising got prestigious awards

Film Odborný dohled nad východem Slunce získává prestižní ocenění – doplni text……
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We offer a comprehensive film, audio and video pre-production, production and post-production. We utilit all moder and traditional forms of marketing communication. Our team draws on its many years of professional experience and can rely on references of major domestic and international clients.


Tomáš Bělohradský has won the award for the best TV production sound design (2017) at the end of October in Cologne, Germany, for his work…

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Czech FILM prepares the premiere of a new film by Pavel Göbl entitled Supervising the meaning of dream. Coming soon on April 2018 in Czech…

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Sunrise Supervising film gathers festival awards: Trilobit Beroun award 2014 and a Prize of Saxon Film Association…

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Czech FILM prepares new projects: Folk comedy "Silent Companion" by Pavel Göbl...Historical Holocaust drama "The Unloved" after Arnošt Lustig and bitter comedy "Singing amidst September"…

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In progress

Arnošt Lustig The Unloved

The film based on the book and screenplay of Arnošt Lustig awarded as Best Jewish Book for Fiction in 1986. Story of a young Jewish girl who survives in the Terezin ghetto thanks to her body. Lustig said in an interview that he had begun to write the book in the time, when his daughter had been growing up. 
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