Supervising the Meaning of Dream (Pavel Göbl)

Full-length movies


“Supervising the meaning of dream” is conceived as a dark comedy on a serious topic of Sudeten Germans resettlement, its historical impacts, including the context of current immigration crisis. It is an independent sequel of previous film by Göbl “Sunrise Supervising”, but this time the story is based on such topics as collective dream, collective guilt and collective punishment…


More information on the following web

About film:

Feature film, fiction film, black&white film,
Target audience: adults (30-55 y.o.)
Length: approx. 90 min.
Stage: production

Content & topic of film:

The story is based on such topics as collective dream, collective guilt and collective punishment... This time three main heroes will confront the problem of the German population's expulsion after the 2nd world war and its impact on modern immigration to Europe. A story is childishly simple, it reflects the age of main heroes and their uncertainty in considering what is reality and what is a dream. Uncertainty comes from their age and their closeness to death - referring to the subtitle of the film: Deathern...


Vratislav Brabenec - Musician
Jiří Vymětal/Oldřich Kaiser – Circus performer
Jozef Polievka - Thief
Nikol Fischerová - Girl
Anna Langrová – Grandmother

Team of creators:

Pavel Göbl/ director, author of the script
Jiří Zykmund/ camera
Roman Švejda/ architect
Jan Gogola/ script editor
Marek Deml and Tomáš Bělohradský/ sound
Krasimira Velitkchková and Sabina Mladinová/ movie editing
Tomáš Bělohradský (SOUND4FILM) / sound postproduction
CINEPOST/ visual postproduction
Byl Pes/ music


autumn - 2018
TV premiere - 2019