The Unloved (Arnošt Lustig)

Full-length movies

“The Unloved” is a historical drama based on a story of a young Jewish girl who surviSpisovatel Arnošt Lustig, autor knihy Nemilovanáves in Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto due to her beautiful body. The screenplay is based on the book by Arnost Lustig, awarded as the Best Book for Jewish Fiction in 1986.  The immortal Holocaust heritage theme returns to the film screen again.

The author of this literary masterpiece is an exceptional Czech writer of Jewish origin, a world-wide publicist, author of a number of Holocaust-themed works. Many of Lustig’s works have became television and film adaptations.

Lustig himself is a Holocaust survivor. During World War II in 1942 he was sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp, from where he was later transported to the Auschwitz concentration camp, followed by time in the Buchenwald concentration camp. In 1945, by miracle, he escaped from a train carrying him to the Dachau…Holocaust took lives of his entire family, which is deeply remarked in his literary works. From the very first stories his masterpieces touch the themes of Jewish historical heritage and the Second World War …


We are currently looking for partners and co-producers. If you are interested, please write to us


About film:

Feature film, fiction film, color film
Target audience: adults
Length: approx. 100 min.
Production stage: development

Content & topic of film:

It is 1943 and the young Pearl Sch. has been living in Terezienstadt for more than two years. She has not seen her parents and siblings for so long, she has grown up here into a woman. 17-year-old Perla has managed to escape the regular deportations to the death camps of Poland by offering her sexual favors to, among others, the Jewish head of the Council of Elders. He removes her card from the central registry whenever he knows a deportation list is being prepared. One day, Perla faces a choice: life alongside the Nazis or deportation...

Assumed cast:

Actor types: Emmy Rossum, Til Schweiger

Main characters:
Perla - the main heroine, a teenage Jewish prostitute with a strong instinct of self-preservation

Captain - Luftwaffe officer, enjoys superiority

Mr. L - Jew 40 Years, friend of Perla, her customer and defender

and others...

Team of creators:

Czech FILM: Přemysl Klimsza, Tomáš Bělohradský, Anastázie Liubašenko / executive production

We are just expanding our creative team. If you are interested in coworking on The Unloved project, please contact us at
